Different information about LIECO and silviculture

LIECO Info-sheet
A brief overview about LIECO containerized forest seedlings and the LIECO-System
Results thesis Schermer FH Weihenstephan
Subject: Optimal container- and growing- system identified for spruce used in afforestation of alpinian shelterwoods
GENeration - Forests in Climate Change / Consequences / Silvicultural Measures

The documentary shows climate change and its effects on the forest.
Film and Trailer is available in German or Englisoh on You Tube or www.telemotion-film.at
Research & Development for forestry
Through permanent development of the production process and intensive collaboration in various R & D projects LIECO reached the position of the tecnology and kwow how leader in Middle Europe. We will invest into R & D further on - for a sustainable forestry and their value.
One example of a current R & D project, where LIECO is involved:

GENTREE - Optimizing the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe
Please find further information in this leaflet or on the homepage of the project www.gentree-h2020.eu.
For detailed information please contact us.