
1985 Formation „Liechtenstein & Hilleshög Forstpflanzengesellschaft m.b.H.“ in Kalwang together with the Swedish partner Hilleshög. The first greenhouse was builded in July 1985 and the production of ball plants began. We sold the first plants from our own production in 1987.
1990 Processing the pot-in-pot system with the LIECO Container L 15.
1991 The Foundation Prince Liechtenstein take the company over by 100%.
1994 Renaming in „LIECO Liechtenstein Forstpflanzen Gesellschaft m.b.H.“.
1997 Reorganisation of the Management and starting with optimizing the LIECO-System.
2005 Rebuilding of the seedling nursery in Kalwang during a flood protection project.
2007 Change of corporate form in „LIECO GmbH & Co KG“. Self-Development Container L 15 red sideslit.
2008 Build-up a second greenhouse in Kalwang and a second production site in Upper Austria.
2009 Opening new production site in St. Martin im Innkreis. Self-Development Container L 15 blue sideslit.
2010 Formation LIECO Deutschland GmbH & Co KG
2013 Optimizing seed-container „LIECO 67“
2019 Acquisition P & P nursery and forest service (Germany)
2020 Formation LIECO Group and Acquisition of LÜRSSEN nursery group (Germany)
2021 Merger of P & P and Lürssen to LÜRSSEN
2021 Integration LIECO Group (LIECO and LÜRSSEN) into Liechtenstein Group
2022 Acquisition of fmm (Austria)
2023 Acquisition of FOVEA (Germany)